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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Thinking About Car Donations?

Why would anyone put their car in as a donation? Car donations are a great way to help the less fortunate. Providing anything that you no longer need and use to those who can is a great thing to do. But, who in the world has an extra car lying around? How can you benefit from a car donation yourself?

Car donations are undoubtedly a great opportunity to show you care. But, not all of us actually have that extra car. So, how can you be this generous anyway? Car donations do not usually come from people who have an extra. Instead, people often donate their cars when they no longer need them because they are purchasing another or no longer can drive. While it is true that most individuals who do make car donations do so because they can not get a good trade in value for their current car, others simply do so because it is the right thing to do. Perhaps you will pay for your next vehicle completely, so you can afford to donate your car instead of trading it in.

Whats more is that the trade in value of most cars is far less then what the car is actually worth. Sometimes a car that is in quite good shape, runs well, but is aged can cause its worth to be very low. What are you going to do? You can try to sell it, perhaps someone will want it. But, if there is no one to purchase it, the best thing for you to do is to donate it to a worthwhile charity. Most charities do require that the car be running and in decent shape. But, think for a minute what the benefits of your donated car are to that person who needs it to get to and from work. Think of how you are helping to improve another individuals life? Car donations, well, they are pretty good things! Besides car donations can be used as a tax deduction in most states.

The Car Donations Resource Site is an all-in-one resource for everything about Car Donations.

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